Hundreds of Police Chiefs and Law Enforcement Personal
Attend Our Family-Focus Workshops
Cebu, Philippines – April 2017 Dr. Grace Sumbillo, Executive Director of Family First Philippines (also named Pamilya Muna Pilipinas/ PMP), a partner of Family First Asia (FFA), facilitated a large number of family-focused workshops (e.g., “Be A Better Dad Today” seminars) , throughout Cebu Province for police officers, pastors, and other civil service groups over the past few months. Training was successfully delivered to 450 participants throughout Southern Cebu municipalities and 82 police o fficers from Cebu Province participated in an array of workshops designed to develop the leadership skills of Chiefs of Police and Police Community Relations Officers.
Dr. Sumbillo, an experienced human resource and organizational development consultant, emphasized on building strong relationships of mutual trust between the police and communities they serve. Cebu Police Community Relations tapped the assistance of Bless Our Cops and Soldiers (BOCS ) and RAPID ( Rehabilitation, Alternative Programs and Interventions for Preventing Illegal Drug Dependency) Consortium to activate community-based rehabilitation programs and to drug-proof homes and communities.
Participants were reminded that relegating drug enforcement to police alone is not enough – spiritual, community, and family support are needed as well. At the end of the seminar, each participant was encouraged ” to leave their footprint” in their communities” , to intentionally create significant change, and to leave a lasting legacy in their area of assignment.
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(Pamilya Muna Pilipinas) or follow us on Facebook.
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