Global Prayer For Japan

1,000+ Global Churches Praying & Fasting Together for 40 Days for Japan





Why Prayer & Fasting?

For thousands of years God’s people have fasted and prayed about big problems they or those they loved faced. Jesus Himself taught of the importance and the power of Prayer and Fasting

We love Japan. So we are bringing together thousands of Christian churches, groups, and organizations from all over the world to fast and pray together for Japan from September 29 to November 7 this year

We hope you and your church, team, group or community will join us


40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Japan Prayer Guide

Download the 40 Days Prayer & Fasting for Japan PDF Prayer Guide now! Share with others who have the burden to pray for the nation of Japan. Find out just why it is important to pray, what to pray, and how to pray for Japan. Let’s start praying now!

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Japan Prayer Guide

Download the prayer guide for Japan below. Share with others who have the burden to pray for the nation of Japan. Find out just why it is so important to pray, what to pray, and how to pray for Japan. Let’s start praying now!

About us

Why Prayer For Asia?

Pray For Asia is a ministry of Family First Global that helps Christians around the world unite in prayer, especially for the nations of Asia.

Believe in Prayers!

We set up PFA to help people of faith all over the world to pray effectively & fervently for the people & nations of Asia. We believe that prayer is powerful & that God Almighty (Father/Son/Holy Spirit) answers fervent, heart-felt prayers (especially when we are praying for others)

Intercede with us

We believe that in praying for others, we bless them & ourselves. In the worlds of the Lord Jesus “The measure you use for others will be the measure God uses for you” Matthew 7:2

We hope that PFA will eventually cover all the nations of Asia. But we are starting our prayer focus on the nation of Japan.

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Japan Brochure

Download the PDF brochure now and began to share with others who have the burden to pray for the nation of Japan. Find out just why it is important to pray, what to pray, and how to pray for Japan.

Why Japan?

Japan has been a “Missionary Graveyard” for 400 years. Japan now faces huge crisis including rapid demographic decline, a giant militarily aggressive neighbor, and a lack of self-confidence and purpose in many of its young. Without change, Japan, as we know it, will cease to exist by the end of this century.


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