Join us for our 40-day prayer & fasting for Japan

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Japan Brochure

Download the PDF brochure now and began to share with others who have the burden to pray for the nation of Japan. Find out just why it is important to pray, what to pray, and how to pray for Japan.

Calling All Believers!

We are asking Christian churches, organizations and groups around the world to join us in 40 days of prayer and fasting for Japan from September 29 to November 7, 2024.

The exact fasting program is up to each group and its members. Some may give up sweets, others may give up social media, some of our leaders will be giving up 2 meals each day to make more time to pray for Japan.

But all of us worldwide will pray together for Japan daily from September 29th to November 7th 2024!

Register/Sign up with us!

PFA will be sending DAILY PRAYER PROMPTS to each of our church AMBASSADORS for them to share with their church, respectively! So Sign Up with us!


We will be hosting weekly 30 minute “Pray For Japan” Zoom® calls during the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting. All Prayer Partners will be welcome to join us. Please Sign Up Now !

Why Japan?

Japan has been a “Missionary Graveyard” for 400 years. Japan now faces huge crisis including rapid demographic decline, a giant militarily aggressive neighbor, and a lack of self-confidence and purpose in many of its young. Without change, Japan, as we know it, will cease to exist by the end of this century.

"Without God we cannot - without our prayers He will not."

St. Augustine

"History is silent about revival that did not begin with prayer"

– J. Edwin Orr